Miss Smith Blog

Tuesday 29 November 2011


A mid-shot of the artist walking through the alley way
A low angle shot of the artist performing from a block to make the artist looks powerful
A close up of the artist performing into a mic, giving recognition for the artist, as well as giving insight into the recording of the song

Monday 28 November 2011


We will be shooting in the Roundshaw area, for its alley ways and urban setting


Mikey Elgar as Mike Bauer the main artist of the music video, doing all of the solo lip-syncing performance

Saturday 26 November 2011

Final Choice Of Song

Artist- Chipmunk
Song Title- Transition
Album- Transition
Label- Jive Records

The reason we have chosen this song, is the lyrics follow a basic narrative of an up and coming struggling to break through into the mainstream and make the transition towards this. As well as being part of the British Hip-hop genre which me and my partner are a fan of and know in great depth about, from the music to the construction of videos

Wednesday 21 September 2011

3 videos from the genre: British Hip-Hop (Goodwins Characteristics Research)

All the videos focus heavily on the rapper lip syncing, as well as a strong relationship between the music and visuals, living a very working class life style, mostly set in council estates. The rapper's lyrics also show they strive for more upper class surroundings and circumstance. Many close ups of the artist to give full recognition of their faces to fans.