Miss Smith Blog



  1. Welcome back. Just checking to comment page is working. It seems to be.

  2. Fabyan- The points you make in your presentation are valid and the stills you have used are useful illustrations, but if this is to form an element of your research it needs more explanation. For example the slide on vouyerism is just a title and an image- why do you think this is a good example?
    Please acknowledge this comment and let me know if and when you have improved your PowerPoint.

  3. Fabyan- The three videos chosen for the discussion about "Genre Characteristics" do the job very well but again you need to expand on your comments- how are the lifestyles depicted?
    No mention of blig, cars, expensive bottles of drink. No mention of how the stars are dressed nor the women in the videos...more words please!

  4. you ruined the sd card u clown
